Date | October 13-15, 2020 |
Venue | Remote (online) |
Lustre Admins & Devs Workshop is a great opportunity for Lustre worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, LAD will be a virtual event this year.
Presentations will be aired using Zoom from October 13th to October 15th. They will be divided into 3 two hours-long sessions, each of which will be broadcast twice: once at 8AM (UTC) and once again at 4PM (UTC).
Call for presentations
There is still room for a couple of presentations. Please submit a summary of your presentation on easychair. Further information on the submission and review process is available here.
Important Dates
Presentations proposal deadline | September 13th, 2020 |
Publication of the agenda / Registration opens | September 17th, 2020 |
LAD’20 | October 13-15, 2020 |
Registration is open! It is free of charge.
There is one distinct registration for 8AM UTC sessions (session #1) and 4PM UTC sessions (session #2):
- Register to sessions #1 (8AM UTC)
- Register to sessions #2 (4PM UTC)
All sessions are broadcast twice:
- Session #1 at 8AM UTC (10AM CEST)
- Session #2 at 4PM UTC (6PM CEST)
Numbers in brackets (e.g. [#1, #2]) indicate which sessions speakers will attend to answer live questions on Zulip.
Tuesday, October 13th 2020
- Welcome speech / Introduction to Zulip, CEA [#1, #2]
- Community Release Update – Peter Jones, Whamcloud [#2], video
- Recent and Upcoming Lustre Features – Andreas Dilger, Whamcloud [#1?, #2], video
- Linux Lustre Client state – James Simmons, ORNL [#1?, #2], video
Wednesday, October 14th 2020
- OpenSFS Community Update – Stephen Simms, Indiana University, video
- RobinHood v4 progress report – Quentin Bouget, CEA [#1, #2], video
- Lustre Client Encryption – Sébastien Buisson, Whamcloud [#1, #2], video
Thursday, October 15th 2020
- Parallel IO optimization on Lustre – Best practices and the Future – Sarah Neuwirth, Heidelberg University [#1], video
- Data Management with Lustre and the Externalized Coordinator – Nathan Rutman, HPE, [#2], video
- Integrating Phobos — an open-source tape-capable object store — as a Lustre HSM backend – Ciaran O Rourke, Sophie Wenzel-Teuber, and Aaron Dees, ICHEC & Sébastien Gougeaud, CEA [#1, #2], video