Date | September 22-23, 2015 |
Venue | Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel, France |
EOFS and OpenSFS are organizing the fifth european lustre workshop, Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop. It will take place in Paris, at Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel, during 2 days, 22nd and 23rd of September, 2015.
This will be a great opportunity for LustreTM worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.
We would like to thank our generous sponsors.

Important Dates
This will be a two days event, starting from Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 in the morning, to Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 in the afternoon.
Presentations proposal deadline | extended up to August 4th, 2015. |
End of early bird rate | August 23rd, 2015 |
End of registration | September 14th, 2015 |
Workshop | September 22-23, 2015 |
See LAD’15 Video Gallery for the talks
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015
- 09:00 Registration and coffee
- 10:00 Welcome – Aurélien Degrémont, Chairman
- 10:15 Intel Commitment to Lustre – Jessica Popp, Intel
- 10:30 Lustre Development Update – Christopher Morrone, OpenSFS/LLNL
- 11:00 Online data handling with Lustre at the CMS experiment – Lavinia Darlea, CERN
- 11:30 Lustre-HSM at CINES: integration and administration feedback – Hervé Toureille, Jérôme Chapelle, CINES
- 12:00 An HDD-based Lustre/HSM implementation Using a Scalable Object Store: Discussion and Performance Evaluation – Maria Perez Gutierrez, James Coomer, Shuichi Ihara, Robert Triendl, Thomas Favre-Bulle, DataDirect Networks
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:00: Lustre Feature in Development – Andreas Dilger, Intel
- 14:30: Implementation of ZFS in Lustre [CANCELED] – Abe Asraoui, Supermicro
- 15:00: Operational characteristics of a ZFS-backed Lustre filesystem – Daniel Kobras, science+computing
- 15:30: Lustre and ZFS Intent Log – Alex Zhuravlev, Intel
- 16:00: Break
- 16:30: Testing Lustre: The Basics – James Nunez, Intel and Justin Miller, Cray
- 17:00: Scalable Lustre Monitoring OpenTSDB – Shuichi Ihara, DataDirect Networks
- 17:30: Lustre tools for ldiskfs investigation and lightweight I/O statistics – Roland Laifer, KIT
- 18:00: End of sessions (1st day)
- 20:00: Social Event (Dinner) at the Eiffel Tower
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015
- 9:00: Coffee
- 9:30: Lustre 2.8 feature overview: support of multiple file system modify RPCs in parallel – Grégoire Pichon, Atos
- 10:00: LNet and LND Tuning explained – Chris Horn, Cray
- 10:30: Optimization of Lustre performance using a mix of fabric cards – Dmitry Eremin, Intel
- 11:00: Break
- 11:30: Data life cycle monitoring using RobinHood at scale – Gabriele Paciucci, Bruno Faccini, Intel
- 12:00: Robinhood v3 and beyond – Thomas Leibovici, CEA
- 12:30: Lunch
- 14:00: On the Role of Flash in Large-Scale Storage Systems – Nathan Rutman, Seagate
- 14:30: Lustre File Heat – Li Xi, DataDirect Networks
- 15:00: Scalability Testing of DNE2 in Lustre 2.7 – Steve Simms, Indiana University
- 15:30: Integrating Lustre with User Security Administration – Chris Gouge, Seagate
- 6:00: Coffee & Wrap up
LAD’15 will take place on the famous Champs-Elysées Avenue, in Paris, at the Marriott Champs-Elysees Hotel.
Paris Marriott Hotel Champs-Elysees
70, Avenue des Champs-Élysées
75008 Paris

A limited number of rooms at special rate are available. They should be registered on the hotel website. Booking should be done before September 15th.
Social Event

On Tuesday evening, a dinner will be organized at Restaurant 58, on Eiffel Tower first floor, with a breathtaking view of Paris by night.
A limited number of spouses can attend this event. Please use the dedicated checkbox during registration (availabilities for spouses are on a first-come, first-served basis).